Workers’ Learning
Recently, as I was walking along the streets, I found many people were discussing something about work. However, they are not talking about getting a job or sharing their working experiences. Instead, they are fighting over whether students should have part-time jobs during the college years. Some people consider that students have responsibility for studying hard and it is not necessary to work, but I think that students should work throughout college and they can learn much from their work. Not only can students broaden their horizons, but they can become independent, despite some people’s claims to the contrary.
Some students do not want to be limited in the small campus and to be separated from the outside world. Then, working throughout college is a good way to lead a different life. While students are working, there are more chances to interact with different people. Therefore, students can learn how to keep a good relationship with the bosses, the colleagues and the clients. It is an important skill students cannot get at school. In contrast, some people think that if students work throughout college, maybe they will make bad friends in their working places and those guys will have a bad influence on them. However, I consider that it is a good learning experience for students to distinguish good people from bad people. Furthermore, it is helpful for them to adapt quickly to a new environment. For instance, originally, Sarah was so shy that she did not have much interaction with her classmates. However, after taking a job as a waitress, she becomes outgoing and confident. She not only makes more friends but becomes acquainted with her classmates now.
In addition to learning the crucial skill dealing with all types of people, working is effective to help students become independent. Some students are in need, so working is a practical way for them to earn money and to improve their quality of life. Moreover, while working, students learn many working skills and learn how to solve problems by themselves. In the meantime, they get a sense of accomplishment from their work. On the other hand, some people claim that students will use the pay to lead lives of pleasure, such as buying expensive clothes or spending too much money on recreation. However, I consider that most students will learn how to deal with money well rather than wasting money. To illustrate, Cherry depended on her parents in many aspects formerly. However, many changes have taken place after she becomes a tutor. Now she has to solve many difficulties by herself and she leads a more independent life than before. Particularly, she donates parts of her pay to help the poor so I admire what she does.
Despite the fact that there are many advantages for students to work throughout college, some people still claim that it is not good for students. They support their claims by arguing that students are supposed to study hard so it is not necessary to waste time on working. But such arguments miss one important point: it is certain that students should work hard in college, but students’ life should not completely be occupied by their study. Instead, they can keep balance between their studies and other activities if they use time well. Therefore, it is not an excuse to claim that there is not enough time to study if they work. For example, Cindy works four days in a week but she still does well at her studies. She tells me that she does time management well and that is why she can keep balance between her work and her studies.
Some students believe that spending time on part-time jobs will lower students’ grades. Conversely, students who work throughout college learn how to deal with many kinds of people, how to confront the difficulties by themselves, and how to live a balanced life. They become more confident and independent. Most important of all, they have some precious experiences than others.
2009年6月28日 星期日
Readers' High
Reading is a pleasant experience for many people. After reading some interesting or entertaining books, I often shared my experience of the reading with several of my friends. While some of them agreed that the process of reading was enjoyable, they also thought that the more books they read, the more knowledge they gained. However, they could not explain why reading was such a pleasant experience but could only say something about the fine reputation of the author and the brief outline of the book. If forced, most of them did not remember the specific details about the book and could not even precisely describe their feelings after reading. They often ended their descriptions with a satisfied smile. This self-contented and indescribable feeling is what veteran readers have when they finish reading a book. Because they are different from normal readers, this kind of readers are called" bookworms. "
Reading is a pleasant experience for many people. After reading some interesting or entertaining books, I often shared my experience of the reading with several of my friends. While some of them agreed that the process of reading was enjoyable, they also thought that the more books they read, the more knowledge they gained. However, they could not explain why reading was such a pleasant experience but could only say something about the fine reputation of the author and the brief outline of the book. If forced, most of them did not remember the specific details about the book and could not even precisely describe their feelings after reading. They often ended their descriptions with a satisfied smile. This self-contented and indescribable feeling is what veteran readers have when they finish reading a book. Because they are different from normal readers, this kind of readers are called" bookworms. "
Bookworms are actually readers who arecompletely absorbed in books. Not like the addicts to alcohol and drugs, bookworms do not only indulge themselves in the pleasure of the reading but consider reading as a way to enrich their life. On the contrary, alcoholics and drug addicts are just self-indulgent and they isolate themselves from the society. Furthermore, bookworms are different from the television viewers. Bookworms do not just limit their vision to the idiot boxes and do not live a passive life. Instead, bookworms’ thoughts have no boundaries and many thoughts rush through their heads when they read books. They get more from book reading than they expect.
A heavy bookworm confesses that he should do other things except reading, but the fact that he does not go out to play with friends or even does not want to talk with his family means that these activities are not as desirable as book reading. What he wants to do is to immerse in the world of books. For instance, my mother bought me a popular novel named Harry Potter as a birthday present seven years ago. As soon as I got the book, I was totally absorbed in it. At that time, what I saw was the broomstick and the wand and what I heard was the conversations of the characters as if my real self was one of those witches in the book. Sometimes I was so addicted to the book that I could not hear my mother who urged me to have dinner. Therefore, in a way, bookworms’ life is as varied as those characters living in the imaginary world.
People who just study hard are not called bookworms. After experiencing such a mystical feeling in reading, I realize that the factors of being bookworms are to completely concentrate on the books and to indulge themselves in the fictional world. A heavy reader once defines that bookworms are persons who are very fond, perhaps too fond, of reading or study. Besides, bookworms always think that reading is the most pleasant activity of everyday life because they can play many imaginary roles and experience varied life within a short term. However, people who just study hard focus on the books because they want to get high scores or to get more knowledge. They do not surrender themselves to the world of books and even do not understand what the author actually means. Instead, what they do is to pile up their confusion in their brains and do not try to comprehend the problems or the plot.
Bookworms not only should remember the specific details of the plot but also should be wholeheartedly absorbed in the books. Above all, they cannot stop reading even if pressed. They desperate to know what will happened in the next chapter. As a result, they blot out the real world and enter an enjoyable state. Sometimes I can feel the wonderful satisfaction and I enjoy it very much. That is what keeps me reading.
June 23, 2009

My friends said that we would have a dinner on June 23together and it was the last reunion of this semester. At that time, I was expected because we would have a big meal in a fancy restaurant.
When we got there, my friends spare a special seat for me, but I didn't know why. After 10 minutes, there were many fancy meals on the table and we enjoy them a lot. Suddenly, Cindy took a glass out and asked me to put it into can. At that time, I knew that it was my birthday card and they decided to celebrate my birthday earlier because my day is on July 6 and we would go to our hometown at that time. There were 3 negatives on the glass and there were 3 man-made paper into the glass. Afetrwards, they gave me a fancy bag and they described the process they bought the present. I really like the special card and the present they gave me veyry much. I was touched about that.
Coz' I like sea, The style of my card is like blue sea and the topic of my card is Travel-Dream-Memory. I really like what they gave me. Not only the card and the present, but their love. :)
2009年6月27日 星期六
June 14, 2009

I didn't study hard for the final exam because I didn't care about my grades this time. I don't know why...maybe I just think that those points are not really worthwhile to me. Sometimes I think that why I should study. For points? Or for myself? Of course everyone knows the answer but I often doubt my motivation of studying. I'm not that kind of students who study just for the grades but I'm also not the kind of bookworms. Frequently, I just want to study the subjects I like but I still study the other subjects before the day of exams.
I remained neutral during the situation.
It's time to think about my attitude to studying!
I remained neutral during the situation.
It's time to think about my attitude to studying!
2009年6月7日 星期日
June 7, 2009
By the way, we also took some terrible pictures like that...
May 30, 2009
I went to Kenting with my volleyball team members on May 28, 29. To our surprise and disappointment, when we arrived in Kenting, it was rainging. However, we still played on the sea shore and the bad weather couldn't destroy our mood to enjoy the trip. At night, we went to kT. night market and we decided to buy somethg to eat in the hotel. Unfortunately, my senior's cell-phone was disappeared at that time. "It's stolen again!" We were sad about that because we lost our cell-phones and money two months ago. Afterwards, we called the police but he still couldn't find the thief. After we came back to the hotel, we started to drink beers and I found that the taste of the beer was good and it made me sleep well.
The next day, it was a sunny day. We also played on the sea shore and it was really fun. Suddenly, something bad happened. Fion and Sisi hurted because of the sharp rocks. Fortunately, the woulds were not serious. I was soory to Sisi because it was a part of my fault to casue the accident. Sorry...
Afterward, we played go kart and it was really exciting for me 'coz it was my first time to try it.
I love it!
I really enjoy the trip so much and the relationship between us was closer. I am happy about that.: )
2009年5月22日 星期五
May 23, 2009

Vivian came to Taichung to see me yesterday. I was surprised and glad because she didn't tell me that beforehand. She just told me that whether I came back to Yunling and she wanted to see me. I told her I was in Taichung and she took the train as soon as possible to come here. After I chatted with her, I knew that she had a quarrel with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend didn't want her to skip a class because of him. Howecer, Vivian desired to have more time to be with him so she wanted to cut a class. And that's the reason why the quarrel happened. Fortunately, they make up with each other within a few hours.
Vivian is an active girl and she always actually pursuits what she likes. Moreover, she also said that we have to improve our English skill by extra learning, not just depending on what the professors teach. I know that and I urge myself to do that now. Just Go for it!
Go!Go! :)
The most important of all...
I think that I am fortunate enough to have such a good friend like Vivian. : )
Vivian is an active girl and she always actually pursuits what she likes. Moreover, she also said that we have to improve our English skill by extra learning, not just depending on what the professors teach. I know that and I urge myself to do that now. Just Go for it!
Go!Go! :)
The most important of all...
I think that I am fortunate enough to have such a good friend like Vivian. : )
2009年5月18日 星期一
May 17, 2009
All of our family came to my home to have a big meal on Saturady for celebrating Mother's Day. To mysurprise, there was a Western girl amoung them. The girl is named Mackenna and she learns Chinese in school my aunt workd in so my aunt takes her to play with us. She is a shy but a cool girl. She seldom talks to me activel. however, if she saw something she liked, she could not wait to share her feeling to me. For instance, she likes Japanese cartoons very much, especially "Hunter X Hunter". And her favorite character is Curarpikt. Therefore, when she knew that I also like Curarpikt, she was excited and happy. She aslo let me see some pictures she cosplayed Curarpikt and other characters. I was attracted by that because I was interested in cosplay a few years ago. Moreover, she also likes Japanese band, especially X-Japan and other kinds of heavy metal band. I was surprised about she likes Japan very much. At that time, there were some connection between us and I was happy about that.
ps. She likes to draw cartoon characters and she draws well.
It's a special and interesting experience for me. : )
May 10,2009

I bought a small cake and I wrote a card to my mother for Mother's Day. I thought that she was happy, but she didn't express her feeling obviously. I thought that it was ok cau'z I could know that she was so touched from her smile. Furthermore, I wrote something private and something about my feeling in the card. I wrote that I'll be independent and I'll take responsibility for myself in the future, especially for the travel to Nepal. I'll take care of myself and I 'll do my best to help thse chilldren in need.
I know what I should do.
I know what I can do.
I'm going ahead! :)
I know what I should do.
I know what I can do.
I'm going ahead! :)
The most important of all ...
I love you, mom!
2009年5月2日 星期六
May 2, 2009

I have thought a lot about my life recently. I want my life to be varied, to be colorful. However, it's not meant that I should play all the time. Waht I desire is doing something I really want and knowing different kinds of people.
Learn English and Japanese well, play volleyball well, have a good boyfriend...
There're so many "well" and it indicates how great my desire is and how secular I am. However, I think those are good for me and those enrich my life and make me happy . Then, it's worthwhile even if someone think I'm secular and superficial.
Sometimes I'm thoughtless. I admit it. I don't like complicated matters and I'm tired to know that. However, I should learn to think more enen though it's not easy easy to me. I'm trying.
"To be, to do, to have." : )
2009年4月28日 星期二
April 28, 2009

Superficiality, it's a terrible word telling you how you are ignorant and fragile.
After realizing the truth, I was a little scared. I don't want to be a bimbo or someone like that. However, it cannot be changed within a short ime. What I can do is broadening my horizons and I think that it's my first step to see far above the world.
Someaday, I'll be the phoenix.
2009年4月19日 星期日
April 19, 2009

Recently, Jennifer saw an activity about the international volunteers of Nepal and she asked me whether I wanted to join that with her. Originally, I thought a lot about it because it would cost much money. However, my curiosity about Nepal overcame my hesitation. Ultimately, I decided to take a chance. If I pass the interview of the activity, I'll join it.
I have never been to such a special country like Nepal so I desired to experience different kind of life and to explore somewhere. It'll be fresh and interesting. The most important of all, I can help the poor, the aged or sick peopel. Just like Jennifer said, self-worth appears while helping others. I do not say that helping others is a grand behavior or something. What I mean is that I know I have the power to help others and I'm willing to do that. Why not?
Sometimes people living for others are happier. : )
I dare not say I'll certainly get something from the trip.
However, if I get a present, it would be...
" Know myself more! " : )
2009年4月11日 星期六
April 11, 2009

I saw a film named " The Love of Siam" with Jennifer and Carro at school. The story is mainly about two boys, Mew and Tong. They were neighbors when they were children. However, after the disappearance of Hong, who is Tong's sister, his parents decided to move out the sad place. Consequently, Mew and Tong could not see each other any more.
When Mew grows up, he becomes a vocalist of the band named August. Even if he creates many charming and touchy songs, he still feels that he lacks for something. Till that day, he met Tong in the square of Siam and he actually knew what he lacked for and who he wanted to sing for.
I'm very impressed by the love between Mew and Tong. When Mew sang a song named "同行", I could actually feel the deep love of Mew to Tong. At that moment, their love is so touching and I was really happy for them.
Love is sweet. :)
At last, Tong told Mew " I can't be your boyforiend but it doesn't mean I don't love you."
Mew was sad but he still said inwardly. " Thank you."
Love is bitter. :(
Jennifer asked me that whether homosexual love should be blessed.
" Sure! Why?" I replied.
Love is no boundaries even if they are two boys.
2009年4月6日 星期一
April 7, 2009

" I'm bored. My life is boring." Rocio told me.
" Why? Why do you feel like that? "
" Every day is the same and nothing special. How have you led such a dreary life for almost two years? I can't endure that!"
I think in a while.
" Maybe my life is relaxing so I don't feel boring." I say hesitatingly. A weird reply, I know.
In fact, it's hard to me to answer the question. After entering college, I don't feel bored about my life. Although I didn't really work hard on my studies like some of my classmates, I didn't play around frequently and even I didn't do something special, I still feel that college life is interesting. I mean that I just do normal things and nothign special almots eveyday life, but I don't have that feeling like her. Even though I'm not completely content with my life now, I still don't feel my life is boring. Actually, I try to make it better. Try to make my life more meaningful and more interesting.
"Anything but ordinary." say I inwardly.
" Why? Why do you feel like that? "
" Every day is the same and nothing special. How have you led such a dreary life for almost two years? I can't endure that!"
I think in a while.
" Maybe my life is relaxing so I don't feel boring." I say hesitatingly. A weird reply, I know.
In fact, it's hard to me to answer the question. After entering college, I don't feel bored about my life. Although I didn't really work hard on my studies like some of my classmates, I didn't play around frequently and even I didn't do something special, I still feel that college life is interesting. I mean that I just do normal things and nothign special almots eveyday life, but I don't have that feeling like her. Even though I'm not completely content with my life now, I still don't feel my life is boring. Actually, I try to make it better. Try to make my life more meaningful and more interesting.
"Anything but ordinary." say I inwardly.
I hope that she can find her way soon. :)
2009年3月29日 星期日
March 29, 2009

I had dinner with Emily, Molly and Freya today . We talked a lot , such as our studies, our love and our life. Above all, we talkd about what kind of boys we like are and what we will want to do in the future. Freya said that her boyfriend should be versatile and romantic. Therefore, she'll make boyfriend after going abroad because she thinks that Western boys are ideal ones. However, the boys I like are different from hers. I hope that my boyfriend should be like a child. I mean that his disposition should be childlike and natural because I think that it's cute. Furthermore, Many people asked me that why I didn't make a boyfriend. I think that maybe it's not easy to me to like a boy. I don't know why... Maybe Just because I didn't meet the one... I'll keep waiting for you. :)
On the other hand, Molly siad that she'll study abroad after graduatign from college. Therefore, she'll be a graduate in America. I admire her courage and her capability of English so I tell myself that as long as I work hard, I still have the chance to do that.
Just work hard! :)
2009年3月22日 星期日
March 21, 2009
We have vooleyball games in Taipei today. The game is hold for the volleyball teams of department of English and 24 universities join the game. Before the first gane started, we practiced playing volleyball and we put our bag where all of our money and cell phones were in the volleyball field. Unfortunately, when we wanted to take the bag, we fould that it disappeared. We were nervous and we walked around the fild to search the bag. howeven, it was in vain. It was stolen. In the ginning, we were upset and we didn't know what to do next. At that time, it was time for the game. Therefore, we decided to forget that damn thing temporarily.
" We have nothing to lose." our team leader said.
Finally, we won two games and we were in the quarterfinal. We were happy at that time and we almost really forgot the bad thing. Before the third game started, all of us thought that we have nothing to lose and just did our best because we didn't want to have any pity. Ultimately, we lost the game, but we're not sad. instead, we enjoed the game and considered we did well. Because of the game, the relationship among us was closer and I learned a lot from it.
March 21,2009 is really a special day. :)
2009年3月15日 星期日
March 13, 2009

Recently, I have found that I like to read novels more. Not just for the test but the wonderful feeling. It's really mystical and pleasant. While I read the lines, the scene of the novel appear continuously and what I hear is the dialogue between the characters. It's like that I'm an observer in the novel and I can see the expression of everyone. I'm not actually a bookworm but I reckon that I love reading more and can put myself inside the imaginary world . Sometimes blotting out the real world is fine.
Catherine once said "If I am wrong, I am doing what I believe to be right."
Antoinette knows that nothing would be the same, it would change and go on changing.
These words indicate the belief Catherine and Antoinette possess and I agree with them. Want to be more courageous, want to be more persistent, or even want to love self more. "I can do that!" I tell her in a looking-glass.
Jane once told me that the world of the cartoons or novels is fictional and told me to face the reality. Yeah, I knew what she said but sometimes having a dream to follow is fine, being like a kid is fine... Nevertheless,I still appreciate what she said to me. She cares me, I know. :)
2009年3月8日 星期日
March 6, 2009

I have some goals this semester and I hope to actually accomplish them. One is improving my English skill so that I can fluently talk with foreigners, another is improving my Japanese skill because I'm really interested in the cartoons, songs and culture of Japan, the other is improving my volleyball skill because my friend and I will lead the vollyball team in the following semesters. I often tell myself that as long as I work hard, I can get the pay. No matter how much the pay is, it's worthy. Therefore, now what I have to do is work hard and do time management well and then I can make my goal come true.
Go for it! :)
Go for it! :)
2009年2月27日 星期五
February 27, 2009
Recently, I have seen many good films. There are "The Bucket List", "Seven Pounds", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "Shakespeare in love" and " Ip Man". All of them touch me so much although they are different kinds of films. Above all, in " The bucket List", I like some words Kord said to Edward, such as " Find the joy in your life" and " You once said you're not everyone. Well, that's true. You're certainly not everyone, but everyone is everyone." I totally agree with those words. In our mortal life, we cannot just study or do something other peole want you to do or order you do. Sometimes, it's necessary for us to haer our mind. It'll tell us what we really desire. Just find the joy in our life. In addition, even if we're just nobodies, we can still lead special or meaningful life. As long as we follow our mind, it'll come true.
In "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", Daisy said to Benjamin that we finally meet each other in the middle age. When I heard the words, I think a lot. There're many obstacles between their love and even they cannot be with each other forever because of the unusual physiokogy of Benjamin. However, I reckon that they do not regret to fall in love with each other enen though they suffer much. At least, they find theire true love and it's a kind of happiness. After all, not everyone can really find the soul mate in the mortal life.
In "Shakespeare in Love", Viola is desperate to do cross-dresssing because she falls in love Shakespeare. Moreover, in "Ip Man", Ip Man nearly die for defending his country. Both of the persons reveal their courage, no matter just for the love or the country, even the dignity.
I really enjoy them. :)
In "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", Daisy said to Benjamin that we finally meet each other in the middle age. When I heard the words, I think a lot. There're many obstacles between their love and even they cannot be with each other forever because of the unusual physiokogy of Benjamin. However, I reckon that they do not regret to fall in love with each other enen though they suffer much. At least, they find theire true love and it's a kind of happiness. After all, not everyone can really find the soul mate in the mortal life.
In "Shakespeare in Love", Viola is desperate to do cross-dresssing because she falls in love Shakespeare. Moreover, in "Ip Man", Ip Man nearly die for defending his country. Both of the persons reveal their courage, no matter just for the love or the country, even the dignity.
I really enjoy them. :)
2009年1月16日 星期五
16 January, 2009
It's the end of this semester today. I should be happy and excited because of the coming of the winter vacation. However, I am a bit of disappointed about my life of this semester. I think that I didn't do well on my studies and I didn't have great improvement in English. When I recall my life of this semester, what I think of is that I played volleyball frequently and I often idled away my time. I don't want to lead such a idle life anymore on the the winter vacation and the following semesters. Therefore, I have some plans about that.
On the winter vacation, besides attending the camp of English and traveling aroud Taiwan, I also want to improve my English. Because I'm not good at English, I decide to listen to some English broadcast frequently, speak English frequently and read English novels. I think it'll be helpful. Furthermore, in the following semesters, I must do time management well. I can play volleyball and hang aroud with my friends, but I still have to study hard. I know it's not easy, yet I will do my best to achieve it. After all, I am college student and I have to be responsible for myself. Besides, I want lead a colorful life. I think that studying abroad or traveling abroad are the nice way because it can not only broaden my horizon but let me experience the different kind of life. It'll be interesting and exciting.
I always tell myself that I can be better and I can make it. Trust myself!
On the winter vacation, besides attending the camp of English and traveling aroud Taiwan, I also want to improve my English. Because I'm not good at English, I decide to listen to some English broadcast frequently, speak English frequently and read English novels. I think it'll be helpful. Furthermore, in the following semesters, I must do time management well. I can play volleyball and hang aroud with my friends, but I still have to study hard. I know it's not easy, yet I will do my best to achieve it. After all, I am college student and I have to be responsible for myself. Besides, I want lead a colorful life. I think that studying abroad or traveling abroad are the nice way because it can not only broaden my horizon but let me experience the different kind of life. It'll be interesting and exciting.
I always tell myself that I can be better and I can make it. Trust myself!
2009年1月15日 星期四
Composition Revisiom- Terrible Misfortune
I had never been so anxious in my life. I had just spent the endless hours waiting for my father and trying to get to the restaurant. However, it happened just because of the carelessness of my father. I hope that such bad things will not happen to me again.
On a Sunday night, my father told me that we would have dinner with my aunt
the next day and that he would drive me to the restaurant at five o’clock. Therefore, the next morning, I wore my favorite pink dress to school due to the appointment with my aunt at night and I could not wait for it. Afterwards, as it was about five o’clock, the school bell rang. It was telling me that it was time to rush to the gate to wait for my father. After twenty minutes, my father did not show up. I thought that maybe he was stuck in a traffic jam so I waited for him patiently. However, after one hour, there were no other students on the campus except me and I still found no trace of him. At that time, I was worried about if something bad happened to my father.
Time went so fast. Two hours passed, yet the campus was still silent except the scary sound of the wind. I felt frightened so I wanted to leave there as soon as possible. I decided to walk alone to the restaurant. However, I just had a meal there once so I could not remember where the restaurant exactly was. In spite of that, I still determined to go there. I walked out of the school and then made a left turn. Later, I walked along the road and guessed what the next way to go. Suddenly, a car passed a muddy hollow and my pink dress was splashed with dirt. At that moment, I was angry and depressed and I had no idea what to do next.
After a while, I found that I came to a strange place. It was not familiar to me and I did not know which way to go, hence I tried to recall the way to the restaurant again. To my disappointment, I recollected nothing and I lost my sense of direction! I began to panic and tears formed in my eyes. However, I knew that crying was no use so I looked around and tried to find help. Unfortunately, nobody was there and therefore I could not stop crying. Just then an old lady walked slowly toward me from afar. She heard that I was crying and asked me if she could help. She gave me her handkerchief to dry my eyes as I related my predicament. Then the friendly old lady smiled gently and accompanied me to the restaurant.
When arriving at the restaurant, my aunt told me that my father was in a meeting so he could not drive me here. However, the worst thing was that he also forgot to ask someone to take me here. Because of the carelessness of my father, I experienced the terrible misfortune. Furthermore, when I turned to thank the lady for all her help, she was gone. I will never know the lady’s name but I will always remember her kind help. I can only hope that one day I will be able to do the same for other people who need my help the most.
On a Sunday night, my father told me that we would have dinner with my aunt
the next day and that he would drive me to the restaurant at five o’clock. Therefore, the next morning, I wore my favorite pink dress to school due to the appointment with my aunt at night and I could not wait for it. Afterwards, as it was about five o’clock, the school bell rang. It was telling me that it was time to rush to the gate to wait for my father. After twenty minutes, my father did not show up. I thought that maybe he was stuck in a traffic jam so I waited for him patiently. However, after one hour, there were no other students on the campus except me and I still found no trace of him. At that time, I was worried about if something bad happened to my father.
Time went so fast. Two hours passed, yet the campus was still silent except the scary sound of the wind. I felt frightened so I wanted to leave there as soon as possible. I decided to walk alone to the restaurant. However, I just had a meal there once so I could not remember where the restaurant exactly was. In spite of that, I still determined to go there. I walked out of the school and then made a left turn. Later, I walked along the road and guessed what the next way to go. Suddenly, a car passed a muddy hollow and my pink dress was splashed with dirt. At that moment, I was angry and depressed and I had no idea what to do next.
After a while, I found that I came to a strange place. It was not familiar to me and I did not know which way to go, hence I tried to recall the way to the restaurant again. To my disappointment, I recollected nothing and I lost my sense of direction! I began to panic and tears formed in my eyes. However, I knew that crying was no use so I looked around and tried to find help. Unfortunately, nobody was there and therefore I could not stop crying. Just then an old lady walked slowly toward me from afar. She heard that I was crying and asked me if she could help. She gave me her handkerchief to dry my eyes as I related my predicament. Then the friendly old lady smiled gently and accompanied me to the restaurant.
When arriving at the restaurant, my aunt told me that my father was in a meeting so he could not drive me here. However, the worst thing was that he also forgot to ask someone to take me here. Because of the carelessness of my father, I experienced the terrible misfortune. Furthermore, when I turned to thank the lady for all her help, she was gone. I will never know the lady’s name but I will always remember her kind help. I can only hope that one day I will be able to do the same for other people who need my help the most.
2009年1月4日 星期日
January 5,2009

On December 31, I had a big meal with my friends. We had spicy hot pot and I really liked it. Because the restaurant is famous and it always crowds people, Kahlen had reserved seats at the restaurant. The food of the restaurant is fresh and ; spicy soup is excellent and the atmosphere there is good. During the time of eating, we chatted a lot and I thought that the relationship between us was closer.
After having the big meal, we came back to school because there were many vendors and there was a concert in the campus. We shopped for a long time and I ate an ice cream even if it was cold at that time. Suddenly, I found that I also ate an ice cream last year. Maybe that's my own habit to have an ice cream to welcome the coming of New Yeaw. I'm a strange girl and I admit it.
After a while, it was near 12 o'clock. I made wishs that I would be proficient in English;my family and friends would lead happy life in 2009 and I would make a boyfriend. Afterwards, we went to the concert together and we heard some good songs. Unusually, although it was late, I still did't feel tired. Instead, I was excited and hapyp. I thought that maybe I wanted to welcome the coming of 2009 in a good mood and I would make my wishescome true.
Everything will be all right. Tomorrow will be fine.
December 27, 2008

I go to the movies I have wanted to see for a long time with Jennifer today. The movie is named "Twilight" and the story is about vampire. In the movie, Vampire is existed in the world and they cannot live without blood. In particular, a family named Cullen restrict themselves just to sucking the blood of animals and they don't have the intention to hurt people. One day, Edward Cullen meet Bella Swan moving to the town a few days ago in the campus and he soon find that he desires her. Bella helds a special and fatal attraction for Edeard and he intends to protect and be with her all the time. Meanwhile, Bella thinks that Edward is a mysterious person but soon she finds that she falls in love with Edward. Occasionally, Bella discovers that Edward is a vampir because of his supernatural power. However, Bella still deeply loves Edward even if he is a vampire. In the end of the movie, Bella asks Edward that why he doesn't transform her into a vampir when he gets the chance. Edward said"isn't it enough to be with me all your life?" I thinks that Edeard knows the agony to be a vampir so he doesn't want Bella to experience the same pain as him.
After seeing the movie, I start to think that why Edward was attracted by Bella. Because she is prettier? I reckon the answer is no. Edward deeply falls in love with Bella because she is special and she knows him. Moreover, she is not afraid of him and still loves him even though he's a vampire. I was touched by the love. They know that the love is forbidden but they still don't give up every chance to be with each other. I really like the innocent love between them and I enjoy the movie very much.
In addition, I was attracted by Robert Pattinson who plays the role named Edward in the movie. He's so handsome and brave that I cannot help to like him. I once told Jennifer that I would not make a boyfriend because I can't find a boy he's like Edward. In fact, we know that it's just a kidding because Edward is just the character of the movie. However, I think that my boyfriend should be like Edward in some aspects. He should be considerate and brave and that's why I said that before. Anyway, it's a nice movie and I enjoy it.
After seeing the movie, I start to think that why Edward was attracted by Bella. Because she is prettier? I reckon the answer is no. Edward deeply falls in love with Bella because she is special and she knows him. Moreover, she is not afraid of him and still loves him even though he's a vampire. I was touched by the love. They know that the love is forbidden but they still don't give up every chance to be with each other. I really like the innocent love between them and I enjoy the movie very much.
In addition, I was attracted by Robert Pattinson who plays the role named Edward in the movie. He's so handsome and brave that I cannot help to like him. I once told Jennifer that I would not make a boyfriend because I can't find a boy he's like Edward. In fact, we know that it's just a kidding because Edward is just the character of the movie. However, I think that my boyfriend should be like Edward in some aspects. He should be considerate and brave and that's why I said that before. Anyway, it's a nice movie and I enjoy it.
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